The Where to Now Map

"Why am I so unsatisfied with my life?" Does this question ever creep into your mind, leaving you feeling a bit lost in the hustle and bustle of your daily routine?

It's like there's this nagging sense that something isn't quite right, but life moves at such a frenetic pace that you barely have a moment to pause and pinpoint what's causing that dissatisfaction.

Here's the kicker: Ignoring those feelings only perpetuates the cycle of discontent. You find yourself stuck in a rut, growing increasingly irritable and discontented, until it bubbles over at the most inconvenient times. Who wants to live with that simmering resentment tainting their carefully crafted life, right?

So, what's the solution? Enter the “Where-To-Now?” map.

Tailored specifically for working mothers like yourself, the “Where-To-Now?” Map is your compass for identifying what's amiss in your life and taking actionable steps towards meaningful change. And here's the beauty of it: These changes don't require a massive overhaul or upheaval of your entire existence. It's about making subtle yet significant adjustments that accumulate into transformative shifts.

This map isn't just a roadmap; it's a six-part journey designed to illuminate the shadowy corners of your life and empower you with the insights needed to navigate through them.

Imagine feeling less overwhelmed and more aligned with what truly matters to you. That's the promise of the Where to Now Map.

So, are you ready to trade in the chaos for clarity? Put your name in the box below and claim your copy. It's time to embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling life.



Hi, I'm Jamie Greenwood.

I am a self care and leadership coach and the founder of Homecoming, a 9 month group coaching program that teaches big-dreaming, high-achieving women how to take exquisite care of themselves, without an ounce of guilt. I specialize in helping working mothers get really clear on who they are, how they want to live and then actually doing it.

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