
My clients are forward-thinking leaders and achievers eager to live, work and impact the world in ways that align with their values. As a coach and leadership facilitator, my areas of expertise include compassionate communication, boundary setting, and awareness-informed action; by building these skills in my clients, I invite them to create the kinds of internal and external change for which they yearn.

My approach:

I believe that leaders can be both authentic and professional, both kind and direct – that they can motivate and inspire without compromising the fullness of their own humanity. The best leaders inculcate a sense of profound belonging in those around them, and send the message that others have the capacity for greatness. The old "power over" styles of leadership no longer make sense in today’s workplace. What works is honesty, empathy and vulnerability.

My evidence-based, compassion-forward approach helps my clients and their employees build greater bravery and resilience to face the challenges of an ever-changing market and world.

I work with organizations in two ways:

1:1 coaching - Allows participants the confidential space to explore tough questions, challenge beliefs, build self-confidence, root out self-doubt, strategize, receive support on acute work concerns, and learn new skills for leadership and beyond.

Leadership circles - These circles take an intimate group of high-potential employees through a 9 month facilitated curriculum designed to cultivate self-trust, self-compassion, courageous communication and leadership identity. They offer a unique opportunity for participants to obtain crucial tools for leadership development while also cultivating deeply-connected relationships with others in their organization.



Month 1: Your Story Matters

  • We start with sharing our stories with each other, as it's through the power of story that we build relationships, find belonging and solidify trust.

Month 2: Dreams, Desires and Owning Your Values

  • Examining where you currently are in your career and life and where you want to go

  • Owning your values to use them as a guiding light and source of inspiration

  • Discerning and learning to trust when your system says YES and NO

  • Naming intentions in your career and life for the next 6, 9 and 12 months

Month 3: Meeting Your Inner Critic

  • Why you've come to constantly beat yourself up and how to stop it

  • My 4 step process to calming a self-doubt attack

  • How to challenge your beliefs about your worthiness (hint: it’s not more self-confidence!)

Month 4: Trading Self-doubt for Self-trust

  • Why we endlessly doubt ourselves no matter what we’ve accomplished

  • Somatic practices to get you out of a self-doubt spiral

  • Tuning out uninformed feedback (even when it’s your own!)

Month 5: Building your Brave Voice

  • Why we freeze up at the most inopportune times and how to stop it

  • How we align our inner voice with our outer voice

  • Practical steps on how and when to speak up and when to let it go

Month 6: Your Leadership Style

  • Owning your place as a leader, no matter what your title

  • Influences and experiences that have shaped your view of leadership

  • Articulating your leadership style and why it matters to you

Month 7: Authenticity as a Superpower

  • Why authenticity is necessary for your career and your leadership

  • The difference between fitting in and belonging, and the magic in letting go of who we believe we’re “supposed to be”

  • Practicing saying the honest, scary thing in order to be known and foster authentic connections

Month 8: Boundaries 101

  • Learning the 6 types of boundaries

  • Understanding when to set a boundary, recognizing when a boundary has been crossed, and upholding a boundary that has already been set

  • Learning how to navigate pushback and support your nervous system

Month 9: Cultivating Self-Compassion and Resilience

  • Why self-compassion is so hard to actually practice, even when you totally “get it”

  • The 3 parts of every self-compassion practice

  • How to get out of self-punishment, comparison and judgement and open the door to self-acceptance





I’m happy to TAILOR MY offerings TO YOUR company’s NEEDS.